Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our work with Deshyanagar and its people

Desianagar urban poor neighborhood has 116 families. They have been living here since more than 30 years now. This is a declared neighbourhood - was declared in 2005. This is being considered to be developed under NURM project by the Slum Board.

Huts are so small, that they are forced to cook on the pavement. They sleep on the pavement to avoid rodents. They have been living like this since over 30 years.

Slum Board has issued a card for each family. The purpose of issuing this card is not known. They are also in possession of identification/registration certificates. Land rights are yet to be given to any family.

We had a preliminary discussion with the families on April 2nd 2009. CIVIC's objectives and goals in working with them were discussed. We learn that most of the families have gone to thier native places to celebrate Ugadi - a festival where they sell thier wares. Of the families we met all had the same fear - of being pushed out of their present huts in the name of new houses.

We are leveraging the goodwill built by the local NGOs, Mythri and GRACE. We have started a comprehensive household survey to understand socio-economic situation of each household. The consolidated data will be published on a GIS platform to monitor change with intervention. The issue of each family w.r.t food, water, education, health and livelihood will be addressed.